CMM 2007-04 - Conservation and Management Measure to Mitigate the Impact of Fishing for Highly Migratory Fish Stocks on Seabirds

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Status: Historical
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Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2007-04 01
CCMs shall require their longline vessels to use at least two of the mitigation measures in Table 1, including at least one from Column A in areas S 30 S and N 23 N (applied until 30 June 2014)
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Seabird mitigation
07 Dec 2007 - 05 Feb 2013
IM No No No
CMM 2007-04 04
Updates on any changes made to required seabird mitigation measures or technical specifications of those measures
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
07 Dec 2007 - 06 Feb 2013
RP No No No
CMM 2007-04 09
CCMs report in Annual Report Part 1 on all interactions with seabirds.
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
07 Dec 2007 - 06 Feb 2013
RP No No No
CMM 2007-04 resolves 01
Requirement to implement, to the extent possible, the IPOA-Seabirds
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Seabird mitigation
07 Dec 2007 - 05 Feb 2013
IM No No No
CMM 2007-04 resolves 02
Resolves as follows: CCMs shall report to the Commission on their implementation of the IPOA-Seabirds, including, as appropriate, the status of their National Plans of Action for Reducing Incidental Catches of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries.
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
07 Dec 2007 - 05 Feb 2013
RP No No No