CMM 2014-04 - Conservation and Management Measure to establish a multi-annual rebuilding plan for Pacific Bluefin

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Status: Historical
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Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2014-04 01
General commitment to implement rebuilding plan in 2015
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme:
Cooperate for effective implementation
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
IM No No No
CMM 2014-04 03
Total effort by vessels limited to 02-04 level N20N and catches of PBF <30kg size reduced to 50% off 02-04 level (overage deducted from following year)
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Pacific bluefin tuna catch and effort limits
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
QL No No No
CMM 2014-04 04
Limit for CCMs to take every possible measure to not increase catches of PBT >30+ kg from 2002 - 2004 average levels
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Pacific bluefin tuna catch and effort limits
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
QL No No No
CMM 2014-04 05
data submission for baseline 2002 - 2004 fishing effort in 2015, and 2013 and 2014 catch levels and fishing effort for < 30kg and >= 30 kg. in 2015. In subsequent years, CCMs are to report catch and fishing effort for previous year
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Pacific bluefin tuna catch and effort limits
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
RP No No No
CMM 2014-04 06
Requirement to cooperate for effective implementation of CMM, including juvenile catch reduction
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme:
Cooperate for effective implementation
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
IM No No No
CMM 2014-04 07
Requirement to monitor and obtain prompt results of recruitment of juveniles each year
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme:
Monitor recruitment of juveniles
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
IM No No No
CMM 2014-04 08
Requirement to take measures necessary to prevent commercial transaction of Pacific bluefin tuna and its products that undermine the effectiveness of this CMM
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
IM No No No
CMM 2014-04 11
report on implementation of this CMM
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
05 Dec 2014 - 08 Feb 2016
RP No No No