CMM 2017-01 33

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Status: Historical
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Purse seine vessels are not to operate under manual reporting during FAD closure period
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33. Notwithstanding the VMS SSP, a purse seine vessel shall not operate under manual reporting during the FADs closure periods, but the vessel will not be directed to return to port until the Secretariat has exhausted all reasonable steps to re-establish normal automatic reception of VMS positions in accordance with the VMS SSPs. The flag State shall be notified when VMS data is not received by the Secretariat at the interval specified in CMM 2014-02 or its replacement, and paragraph 37. paragraph 37:= VMS polling frequency shall be increased to every 30 minutes during the FAD closure period. The increased costs associated with the implementation of this paragraph will be borne by the Commission.
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records