CMM 2017-01 52

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Status: Historical
Effective From
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Requirement to provide operational level catch and effort data for EEZ and high seas S20N
Full Text
Operational level catch and effort data in accordance with the Standards for the Provision of Operational Level Catch and Effort Data attached to the Rules for Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission relating to all fishing in EEZs and high seas south of 20N subject to this CMM except for artisanal small-scale vessels shall be provided to the Commission not only for the purpose of stocks management but also for the purpose of cooperation to SIDS under Article 30 of the Convention.* ** *footnote 10: = CCMs which had domestic legal constraints under CMM 2014-01 shall provide operational level data as of the date on which those domestic legal constraints were lifted.** footnote 11:= This paragraph shall not apply to Indonesia, until it changes its national laws so that it can provide such data. This exception shall expire when such changes take effect but in any event no later than 31 December 2025. Indonesia will, upon request, make best effort to cooperate in providing operational level data in case of Commission’s stock assessment of those stocks under a data handling agreement to be separately made with the Scientific Provider.
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme
Annual fishing activity reporting
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records