Related Obligations
Obligation | Description | Effective | Category | Audit Point Adopted | Audit Point Definition | ARPt2 Inclusion | CMR Inclusion | Average Score (%) | When Evaluated |
CMM 2018-04 01 |
Implement FAO Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | N/A | No | No | |||
CMM 2018-04 02 and 03 |
Report on Implementation of Sea Turtles CMM including information collected on interactions with sea turtles by vessels and observers
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | RP | Yes | The Secretariat confirms that CCM submitted a report on its implementation of the CMM and any sea turtle interactions by CCM flagged vessels, and that data collected through the ROP was reported through other required Commission data collection provisions. | Yes | No | 92 |
2015 2013 |
CMM 2018-04 04 |
CCMs to ensure fishermen use proper mitigation and handling techniques and foster the recovery of any turtles that are incidentally captured
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | N/A | Yes | No | |||
CMM 2018-04 04 |
CCMs to ensure fishermen use proper mitigation and handling techniques and foster the recovery of any turtles that are incidentally captured
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | RP | Yes | The Secretariat confirms receipt from the CCM of a statement that describes how the CCM: a. requires fishers on its flagged vessels to bring aboard, if practicable, any captured hard-shell sea turtle that is comatose or inactive as soon as possible and foster its recovery, including giving it resuscitation, before returning it to the water; and b. ensures that fishers on its flagged vessels are aware of and use proper mitigation and handling techniques as described in WCPFC guidelines. | Yes | Yes | 96 |
2023 |
CMM 2018-04 05 (a-d) |
Annual reporting requirement for incidents involving sea turtles in purse seine fisheries and of any research on FAD design that reduces sea turtle entanglement
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | RP | Yes | The Secretariat confirms that reporting by CCM fishing vessels on interactions with sea turtles is also reported by CCM in its Scientific Data Provision requirements. Where a CCM is undertaking research on FAD designs that reduce sea turtle entanglement, the Secretariat confirms receipt of CCM’s research results. | Yes | No | ||
CMM 2018-04 05a |
Sea Turtle mitigation requirements for purse seine vessels
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | N/A | No | No | 90 |
2020 |
CMM 2018-04 05b |
Purse seine sea turtle incident reporting requirements
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | N/A | No | No | |||
CMM 2018-04 06 |
CCMs to require longline vessels to carry and use line cutters and de-hookers to handle and promptly release sea turtles, as well as dip-nets where appropriate
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | Yes | CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires operators of CCM flagged LL vessels to carry and use line cutters and de-hookers to handle and promptly release sea turtles caught or entangled and where appropriate, carry and use dip-nets in accordance with WCPFC guidelines b. describes how CCM is monitoring its flagged LL vessels to ensure this requirement is followed and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement are handled. | Yes | No | 98 |
2022 2021 2020 |
CMM 2018-04 07 (a, b) |
Sea Turtle mitigation requirements for shallow-set longline vessels
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | Yes | CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires operators of CCM flagged LL vessels to employ at least one of the three mitigation methods listed in paragraph 7a of the CMM b. describes how CCM is monitoring its flagged LL vessels to ensure that at least one of the mitigation measures in paragraph 7a of the CMM is being employed, and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement are handled. and the Secretariat confirms that CCM provided information in AR Pt 2 of any CCM vessel interactions with sea turtles in fisheries managed under the Convention and confirmation that CCM vessels are required to record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations. | Yes | No | 100 |
2022 2021 2020 |
CMM 2018-04 07 (d, e) |
Annual reporting requirement for incidents involving sea turtles in shallow-set longline fisheries
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Annual report on implementation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | RP | No | Yes | No | |||
CMM 2018-04 07c |
Reporting requirement for operational definitions of shallow set swordfish fisheries, and sea turtle mitigation requirements including large circle hooks
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | RP | Yes | Secretariat confirms that CCMs with longline vessels that fish in a shallow-set manner provided a statement of its establishment and enforcement of operational definitions of ‘shallow-set longline fisheries, large circle hooks’ and any measures under (CMM 2018-04) para 7(a)(iii), or measures adopted by the Commission under CMM 2018-04 para 12. | Yes | No | 94 |
2015 2013 |
CMM 2018-04 07c |
Reporting requirement for operational definitions of shallow set swordfish fisheries, and sea turtle mitigation requirements including large circle hooks
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | DL | No | Yes | No | 94 |
2015 2013 |
CMM 2018-04 07d |
CCMs to ensure vessels fishing in a shallow-set manner are required to report all incidents involving sea turtles
Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme:
Sea turtle mitigation
01 Jan 2020 - Current | IM | Yes | CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires its flagged longline vessels that fish in a shallow-set manner to record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations and report such incidents to the appropriate national authorities. b. describes how CMM is monitoring and ensuring that its flagged longline vessels, that fish in a shallow-set manner, are recording record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations and reporting such incidents to the appropriate national authorities, and how the CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of noncompliance with these requirements. | Yes | Yes | 100 |
2023 |