25. Whale shark
(1) CCMs shall prohibit their flagged vessels from setting a purse seine on a school of tuna associated with a whale shark if the animal is sighted prior to the commencement of the set.
(2) CCMs shall prohibit vessels flying their flag and vessels under charter arrangements to the CCM from retaining on board, transshipping, or landing any whale shark caught in the Convention Area, in whole or in part, in the fisheries covered by the Convention.
(3) For fishing activities in Parties to Nauru Agreement (PNA) exclusive economic zones, the prohibition in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with the Third Arrangement implementing the Nauru Agreement as amended on 11 September 2010.
(4) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1) above, for fishing activities in exclusive economic zones of CCMs north of 30 N, CCMs shall implement either this measure or compatible measures consistent with the obligations under this measure. When CCMs apply compatible measures, the CCMs shall annually provide to the Commission, in their Part 2 Annual Report, a description of the measure.
(5) CCMs shall require that, in the event that a whale shark is incidentally encircled in the purse seine net, the master of the vessel shall:
(a) ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure its safe release.; and
(b) report the incident to the relevant authority of the flag State, including the number of individuals, details of how and why the encirclement happened, where it occurred, steps taken to ensure safe release, and an assessment of the life status of the whale shark on release.
(6) In taking steps to ensure the safe release of the whale shark as required under sub-paragraph (5)(a) above, CCMs shall encourage the master of the vessel to follow the WCPFC Guidelines for the Safe Release of Encircled Whale Sharks (WCPFC Key Document SC-10).**
(7) In applying steps under sub-paragraphs (1), (5)(a) and (6), the safety of the crew shall remain paramount.
** footnote 3: Originally adopted on 8 December 2015. The title of this decision was amended through the Commission decision at WCPFC13, through adopting the SC12 Summary Report which contains in paragraph 742: “SC12 agreed to change the title of ‘Guidelines for the safe release of encircled animals, including whale sharks’ to ‘Guidelines for the safe release of encircled whale sharks’.
Annex 2: Template for reporting implementation of this CMM. Each CCM shall include the following information in Part 2 of its annual report:
8. Description of compatible measures as referred to in para 25 (4)
9. Any instances in which whale sharks have been encircled by purse seine nets of their flagged vessels,
including the details required under para 25 (5)(b).