CMM 2015-04 01

You are viewing a historical Obligation.
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
General commitment to implement rebuilding plan in 2015/2016
Full Text
General Provision
1. The Commission Members, Cooperating Non-Members and participating Territories (hereinafter referred to as CCMs) shall implement a provisional Multi-Annual Rebuilding Plan for Pacific bluefin tuna starting in 2015, with the initial goal of rebuilding the SSB to the historical median (42,592 t) within 10 years with at least 60% probability. Implementation and
progress of this plan shall be reviewed based on the results of stock assessments and SSB projections to be conducted by ISC in 2016 and every three years thereafter. For this purpose, the ISC is requested to update the SSB projections for the harvest scenarios previously recommended by the WCPFC, along with any additional scenarios recommended by the Northern Committee. This CMM shall be amended if necessary upon such review.
Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme
Cooperate for effective implementation
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records
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