CMM 2010-06 09

You are viewing a historical Obligation.
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
reply from flag CCM to draft IUU list nomination no IUU fishing occurred
Full Text
9. As appropriate, CCMs and non-CCMs with vessels on the list should transmit, at least 10 days before the TCC’s annual meeting, their comments to the Executive Director, including suitably documented information, showing that the vessels have fished in a manner consistent with WCPFC conservation measures or the laws and regulations of a State when fishing in waters under the jurisdiction of that State, or have fished exclusively for species not covered by the WCPFC Convention.
Inspection activity related requirement
Sub Theme
Response to alleged violations
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records