CMM 2014-02 7d VMS SSPs 2.7

Status: Active
Effective From
Request for inclusion of new ALC/MTU approved types
Full Text
7. Nature and specification of the Commission VMS(d) All CCM fishing vessels required to report to the Commission VMS shall use a functioning ALC that complies with the Commission’s minimum standards for ALCs. SSPs: 7. The Secretariat will assess proposals for inclusion of additional ALC makes and models on this list from both CCMs and equipment manufacturers. Approval of ALCs such requests will be based on assessments of ALCs against minimum standards for the Commission VMS as set out in Annex 1 of CMM 2007-02, WCPFC SSPs, as relevant, and using the methodology established by the FFA with expenses for type approval processing to be borne by the proposing entity.
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records