CMM 2021-01 Att 2 03

You are viewing a historical Obligation. View Latest
Status: Historical
Included in CMR
Effective From
Effective Until
Applicability Definition
Applies to Philippines for vessels authorised to operate under the HSP1 special arrangement in CMM 2021-01
Superseded By
Philippines vessels Entry/Exit reports for HSP1-SMA
Full Text

3. Philippines shall require its concerned vessels to submit reports to the Commission at least 24 hours prior to entry and no more than 6 hours prior to exiting the HSP-1 SMA. This information may, in turn, be transmitted to the adjacent coastal States/Territories.
The report shall be in the following format:
VID/Entry or Exit: Date/Time; Lat/Long

Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme
HSP requirements
Category / CMR Section
Report Deadline
Report (Included in CMR)
Category: Report
Version Introduced Date:
Audit Point Definition
1.    CCM submitted reports to the Secretariat at least 24 hours prior to entry and no more than 6 hours prior to exiting HSP1-SMA in the required format:
VID/Entry or Exit: Date/Time; Lat/Long
2.    Secretariat review of VMS alerts for CCM vessels operating in HSP1-SMA against received entry/exit reports does not show any discrepancies and Secretariat confirms CCM has no vessels with VTAF data gaps or other VMS reporting anomalies.
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
Category: Report Deadline
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Average Score:
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Almost Certain
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance
European Union
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)