9. CCMs shall report to the Executive Director by 15 June each year their fishing effort and less than 30 kg and greater than or equal to 30 kg catch levels, by fishery, for the previous 3 years, accounting for all catches, including discards. CCMs shall report their annual catch limits and their annual catches of PBF, with adequate computation details, to present their implementation for paragraph 5 and 6, if the measures and arrangements in the said paragraphs and relevant footnotes applied. The Executive Director will compile this information each year into an appropriate format for the use of the Northern Committee.
5. Any overage or underage of the catch limit shall be deducted from or may be added to the catch limit for the following year. The maximum underage that a CCM may carry over in any given year shall not exceed 17% of its annual initial catch limit.
6. CCMs described in paragraph 3 may use part of the catch limit for Pacific bluefin tuna smaller than 30kg stipulated in paragraph 3 above to catch Pacific bluefin tuna 30kg or larger in the same year. In this case, the amount of catch 30kg or larger shall be counted against the catch limit for Pacific bluefin tuna smaller than 30kg.** CCMs shall not use the catch limit for Pacific bluefin tuna 30kg or larger to catch Pacific bluefin tuna smaller than 30kg.
** footnote 2: A CCM may count the amount of catch 30kg or larger adjusted with the conversion factor 0.68 (catch 30kg or
larger multiplied by 0.68) against the catch limit for Pacific bluefin tuna smaller than 30kg.