CMM 2024-01 10

Status: Active
Included in ARPt2
Effective From
Requirement to intensify cooperation for effective implementation of CMM, including juvenile catch reduction and to make every effort to prevent catch of age-0 fish (less than 2kg) from increasing beyond their 50% of 2002-2004 levels
Full Text

10. CCMs shall intensify cooperation for effective implementation of this CMM, including juvenile catch reduction. For this purpose, CCMs will make every effort to prevent their catch of age-0 fish (less than 2kg) from increasing beyond their 50% of 2002-2004 levels.

Additional measures for pacific bluefin tuna
Sub Theme
Cooperate for effective implementation
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
Category: Implementation
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
Average Score:N/A
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance