WCPFC5 agreed to adopt the Guidelines for CCMs Part 2 reports (WCPFC5-2008/IP-07, Appendix B) which includes inter alia that CCMs provide summary information on port inspections as part of their Annual Report Part 2.
Article 27
Measures taken by a port State
1. A port State has the right and the duty to take measures, in accordance with international law, to promote the effectiveness of subregional, regional and global conservation and management measures. When taking such measures a port State shall not discriminate in form or in fact against the fishing vessels of any State.
2. Whenever a fishing vessel of a member of the Commission voluntarily enters a port or offshore terminal of another member, the port State may, inter alia, inspect documents, fishing gear and catch on board such fishing vessel.
3. Members of the Commission may adopt regulations empowering the relevant national authorities to prohibit landings and transhipments where it has been established that the catch has been taken in a manner which undermines the effectiveness of conservation and management measures adopted by the Commission.
4. Nothing in this article affects the exercise by Contracting Parties of their sovereignty over ports in their territory in accordance with international law.