CMM 2014-01 19

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Status: Historical
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Reporting requirements when a CCM chooses the "limit on the number of FAD sets" additional FAD set reduction option (para 16 b and para 17 b)
Full Text
19. CCMs that select an option that limits the number of FAD sets in addition to the 3-month prohibition of FAD sets (paragraph 16b, 17b) shall implement the limit on FAD sets in accordance with the following:
(a) The captain of a purse seine vessel shall weekly report (i) the number of FAD sets, (ii) the number of total sets, and (iii) estimated bigeye catch in the previous week to the flag CCM and the observer on board.
(b) The flag CCM shall provide information set forth in (19a) every month by its vessels to the Secretariat.
(c) After the number of FAD set conducted reaches 80% of the set limit, the CCM shall report the information (19a) above weekly to the Secretariat.
(d) After the number of FAD sets conducted reaches 90% of the set limit, the captain shall report the information daily to the flag CCM authority.
(e) When the number of FAD set conducted reaches the limit, the CCM shall promptly take necessary measures to ensure that no further sets on FADs shall be made by its purse seine vessels during that calendar year and report the measures taken to the Secretariat.
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records