CMM 2019-07 - Conservation Management Measure for the Establishment of a List of IUU Vessels for the WCPFC

Status: Active
Effective From

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2019-07 22
CCMs shall take all necessary non-discriminatory measures, including under their applicable legislation, to take certain actions in respect of vessels listed on the WCPFC IUU Vessel List
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
09 Feb 2020 - Current IM N/A Yes No
CMM 2019-07 22
CCMs shall take all necessary non-discriminatory measures, including under their applicable legislation, to take certain actions in respect of vessels listed on the WCPFC IUU Vessel List
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Response to alleged violations
09 Feb 2020 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that the CCM submitted a statement in its ARPt2 that confirms any necessary non-discriminatory measures it has taken under their applicable legislation, international law and each CCMs’ international obligations, and pursuant to paras 56 and 66 of IPOA-IUU to, to implement CMM 2019-07 paragraph 22 a to g. Yes Yes