CMM 2023-01 26

Status: Active
Effective From
Applicability Definition
Applies to flag CCMs with purse seine vessels on the RFV
CCMs not to transfer fishing effort in days fished in the purse seine fishery to areas N20N and S20S
Full Text

26.    CCMs shall ensure that the effectiveness of these effort limits for the purse seine fishery are not undermined by a transfer of effort in days fished into areas within the Convention Area south of 20S and/or north of 20N.

Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme
Purse seine fishery effort control
Category / CMR Section
Category: Implementation
Version Introduced Date:
Audit Point Definition
1. CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that:

a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that ensures that CCM flagged purse seine vessels do not transfer effort in days fished to the area north of 20N and south of 20S

b. describes how it is monitoring its flagged purse seine vessels to ensure they do not transfer effort in days fished to the area north of 20N and south of 20S and how the CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement.

2. The Secretariat can verify that the CCM’s flagged vessels have not shifted PS effort to the area north of 20N and south of 20S.
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records