CMM 2023-01 - Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Status: Active
Effective From

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2023-01 13
Purse seine 1 1/2 month FAD closure (1 July - 15 August)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2023 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2023-01 13 footnote 1
Notification by PNA members of purse seine vessels to which the 1 1/2 month FAD closure will not apply
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current No No No
CMM 2023-01 14
Annual advice on choice and implementation of one additional month high seas purse seine FAD closure (April, May, Nov or Dec)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2023-01 16
Required FAD design and construction specification requirements to reduce the risk of entanglement of sharks, sea turtles or other species (effective 1 Jan 2024)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires it to ensure that the design and construction of any FAD to be deployed in, or that drifts into, the Convention Area shall comply with the following specifications: • The use of mesh net shall be prohibited for any part of a FAD. • If raft is covered, only non-entangling material and designs shall be used. • The subsurface structure shall only be made using non-entangling materials. b. describes how the CCM is monitoring and ensuring that the requirements are met with respect to its flagged vessels, and how the CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with these requirements. No No
CMM 2023-01 17
Requirement to encourage vessels to use, or transition towards using, non-plastic and biodegradeable materials in the construction of FADs
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms receipt of a statement in AR Pt2 that confirms how CCM encouraged its flagged vessels to use, or transition towards using, non-plastic and biodegradable materials in the construction of FADs. No No
CMM 2023-01 21
Each purse seine vessel is limited to no more than 350 FADs with activated instrumented buoys
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure(s) that limits each of CCM flagged PS vessel to 350 activated instrumented buoys, and that ensures its vessels comply with coastal State laws relating to FAD management. b. describes how CCM is monitoring its activation and deployment of instrument buoys and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement and coastal State laws relating to FAD management are handled. No No
CMM 2023-01 22
Requirement to encourage vessels to manage FADs deployed and make reasonable efforts to retrieve and report lost FADs
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery FAD set management
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure(s) that limits each of CCM flagged PS vessel to 350 activated instrumented buoys, and that ensures its vessels comply with coastal State laws relating to FAD management. b. describes how CCM is monitoring its activation and deployment of instrument buoys and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement and coastal State laws relating to FAD management are handled. No No
CMM 2023-01 24
Purse seine EEZ limits (for skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna) and advice from other coastal CCMs of EEZ limits to be applied
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery effort control
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes 1. Coastal CCM or PNA Office on behalf of PNA Parties+Tokelau notified their EEZ PS effort or catch limit or collective PNA+Tokelau EEZ effort or catch limit to the Secretariat. 2. Coastal CCM confirms in AR Pt2 that its notified EEZ limit or the PNAO confirms on behalf of PNA+Tokelau that the notified collective EEZ limit has not been exceeded and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported information and confirm that the notified EEZ or collective EEZ limit has not been exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 25
High seas purse seine effort limits applying 20N to 20S
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery effort control
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes CCM submitted its high seas PS effort level in the area between 20N and 20S in AR Pt 2 and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported information and confirm that the allowable limit has not been exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 26
CCMs not to transfer fishing effort in days fished in the purse seine fishery to areas N20N and S20S
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Purse seine fishery effort control
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes 1. CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that ensures that CCM flagged purse seine vessels do not transfer effort in days fished to the area north of 20N and south of 20S b. describes how it is monitoring its flagged purse seine vessels to ensure they do not transfer effort in days fished to the area north of 20N and south of 20S and how the CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. 2. The Secretariat can verify that the CCM’s flagged vessels have not shifted PS effort to the area north of 20N and south of 20S. No No
CMM 2023-01 30
Purse seine catch retention requirements (20N - 20S)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
Purse seine catch retention
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure of the requirement for CCM’s flagged purse seine vessels fishing in EEZs and on the high seas between 20N and 20S to retain on board and then land or tranship at port all BE, SJ, and YF tuna. The statement must include information on CCM’s implementation of the requirements for its PS operators of vessels on the high seas to submit a report to the ED within 48-hours after any discard. b. describes how CCM is monitoring and ensuring that its flagged PS vessels are following the requirements for catch retention when operating in EEZs and the high seas and are submitting reports to the ED when on the high seas and where required, and how CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. No No
CMM 2023-01 32
Purse seine vessels are not to operate under manual reporting during FAD closure period
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme:
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure of the requirement for CCM’s flagged purse seine vessels fishing in EEZs and on the high seas between 20N and 20S to retain on board and then land or tranship at port all BE, SJ, and YF tuna. The statement must include information on CCM’s implementation of the requirements for its PS operators of vessels on the high seas to submit a report to the ED within 48-hours after any discard. b. describes how CCM is monitoring and ensuring that its flagged PS vessels are following the requirements for catch retention when operating in EEZs and the high seas and are submitting reports to the ED when on the high seas and where required, and how CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. No No
CMM 2023-01 33
Requirement for purse seine vessels to carry a ROP observer
Observer activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Observer coverage
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms receipt of a report from the CCM that its flagged purse seine vessels carried an ROP observer where that flagged purse seine vessel was fishing exclusively on the high seas, on the high seas and in waters under national jurisdiction of one or more coastal States, or in waters under the jurisdiction of two or more coastal States. No No
CMM 2023-01 34
100% purse seine coverage: specific rules for vessels fishing exclusively in areas under its national jurisdiction
Observer activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Observer coverage
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure of the requirement for all CCM flagged purse seine vessels to carry an observer if they are operating solely within the CCM's national jurisdiction within 20N and 20S. b. describes how CCM is monitoring and ensuring that each of its flagged PS vessels that is operating solely within its national jurisdiction is carrying an observer, and how CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. No No
CMM 2023-01 38
Bigeye longline annual catch limits for 2024-2026, with adjustment to be made for any overage and certain CCMs may also increase the catch limit by committing to proportionate increase in observer coverage level above the minimum 5% ROP coverage level
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Bigeye longline catch limits
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL No No No
CMM 2023-01 39
Monthly reporting of bigeye longline catches
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Bigeye longline catch limits
06 Feb 2024 - Current DL No No No
CMM 2023-01 39
Monthly reporting of bigeye longline catches
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Bigeye longline catch limits
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that it received 12 bigeye longline catch reports for each month of the reporting year. No No
CMM 2023-01 41
Bigeye longline catch limits by flag for certain other members which caught less than 2000t in 2004
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Bigeye longline catch limits
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes CCM reported its total bigeye longline catch in its AR Pt 2 and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported catch level and confirm that it does not exceed 2,000mt. No No
CMM 2023-01 43
Limit by flag on number of purse seine vessels >24m with freezing capacity between 20N and 20S
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Capacity management for certain tropical tuna fleets
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes The CCM reported its number of CCM flagged PS vessels >24m with freezing capacity and operating between 20N and 20S and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported information and confirm that the allowable limit has not been exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 44
CCM reported whether it replaced any of its flagged large scale purse seine vessels in the previous year and has advised the Commission that the replacement vessel did not result in an increase in carrying capacity or an increase in catch or effort levels
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Capacity management for certain tropical tuna fleets
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes CCM reported whether it replaced any of its flagged large scale purse seine vessels in the previous year and if so, that the replacement vessel did not result in an increase in carrying capacity or an increase in catch or effort from the level that was replaced, and the Secretariat can verify that the allowable limit was not exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 45
Limit by flag on number of longline vessels with freezing capacity targetting bigeye above the current level (applying domestic quotas are exempt)
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Capacity management for certain tropical tuna fleets
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes The CCM reported in AR Pt2 its number of flagged LL vessels with freezing capacity targeting bigeye and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported information and confirm that the allowable limit has not been exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 46
Limit by flag on number of ice-chilled longline vessels targetting bigeye and landing exclusively fresh fish above the current level or above the number of current licenses under established limited entry programmes (applying domestic quotas are exempt)
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Capacity management for certain tropical tuna fleets
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL Yes The CCM reported in AR Pt2 its number of flagged ice-chilled LL vessels targeting bigeye and landing exclusively fresh fish and the Secretariat can verify the CCM’s reported information and confirm that the allowable limit has not been exceeded. No No
CMM 2023-01 48
Limit on total catch of certain other commercial tuna fisheries (that take >2000Mt of BET, YFT and SKJ)
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme:
Other commercial fisheries for tropical tunas
06 Feb 2024 - Current QL No No No
CMM 2023-01 49
Requirement to provide operational level catch and effort data for EEZ and high seas S20N
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
06 Feb 2024 - Current DL No No No
CMM 2023-01 49
Requirement to provide operational level catch and effort data for EEZ and high seas S20N
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that CCM submitted operational level catch and effort data for all its flagged vessels’ fishing activities in EEZs and high seas S20N, for the CMR year, in accordance with the Standards for the Provision of Operational Level Catch and Effort Data and this measure. No No
CMM 2023-01 51
Requirement to provide 1 x 1 aggregate data for vessels fishing in EEZs and high seas N 20 N, as well as to cooperate in providing operational data to SPC for stock assessment
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
06 Feb 2024 - Current DL No No No
CMM 2023-01 51
Requirement to provide 1 x 1 aggregate data for vessels fishing in EEZs and high seas N 20 N, as well as to cooperate in providing operational data to SPC for stock assessment
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms that CCM provided 1x1 aggregated catch and effort data for its flagged vessels that operate in EEZs and on the high seas N20N AND IF THE CCM WAS REQUESTED, The Secretariat confirms that CCM cooperated with Scientific Service Provider in concluding a data handling agreement that enabled the CCM to provide its operational level data to the Commission. No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 03
Philippines vessels Entry/Exit reports for HSP1-SMA
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current DL No No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 03
Philippines vessels Entry/Exit reports for HSP1-SMA
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes 1. CCM submitted reports to the Secretariat at least 24 hours prior to entry and no more than 6 hours prior to exiting HSP1-SMA in the required format: VID/Entry or Exit: Date/Time; Lat/Long 2. Secretariat review of VMS alerts for CCM vessels operating in HSP1-SMA against received entry/exit reports does not show any discrepancies and Secretariat confirms CCM has no vessels with VTAF data gaps or other VMS reporting anomalies. No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 04
Philippines to ensure its flagged vessels report sightings of any fishing vessel to the Commission Secretariat (vessel type, date, time, position, markings, heading and speed)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms receipt of any reports from Philippine flagged vessels operating in HSP-1 SMA of any sightings of fishing vessels, with vessel type, date, time, position, markings, heading and speed. Philippines to report in its ARP2 any sightings reports from its flagged vessels operating in HSP1 (including nil reports where relevant). No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 04
Philippines to ensure its flagged vessels report sightings of any fishing vessel to the Commission Secretariat (vessel type, date, time, position, markings, heading and speed)
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes Philippines submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms its implementation through adoption of a national binding measure of the requirement for its flagged vessels operating in HSP-1 SMA to report sightings of any fishing vessel to the Commission Secretariat with details of vessel type, date, time, position, markings, heading and speed. b. describes how CCM is monitoring and ensuring that its flagged vessels operating in HSP-1 SMA report sightings of any fishing vessel to the Commission Secretariat with details of vessel type, date, time, position, markings, heading and speed, and how CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 05-06
Specific requirements for deploying observers on Philippines vessels fishing in HSP-1
Observer activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt 2 that: a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires CCM flagged vessels to employ a WCPFC Regional Observer while operating in HSP-1 SMA b. describes how the CCM is monitoring and ensuring that its flagged vessels are not operating in HSP-1 SMA without a WCPFC Regional Observer, and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement are handled No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 08
Philippines to monitor landings by vessels operating in HSP1-SMA and collect reliable catch data by species
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current RP Yes The Secretariat confirms receipt of a statement from Philippines that it has monitored and accounted for all port landings of its vessels operating in HSP1-SMA, to make certain that reliable catch data by species are collected for processing and analysis. No No
CMM 2023-01 Att 2 08
Philippines to monitor landings by vessels operating in HSP1-SMA and collect reliable catch data by species
Additional measures for tropical tunas
Sub Theme:
HSP requirements
06 Feb 2024 - Current IM Yes Philippines submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that: a. confirms its implementation through adoption of a national binding measure of the requirement for all port landings of its HSP1 vessels to be monitored and accounted for to make certain that reliable catch data by species are collected for processing and analysis b. describes how CCM is monitoring and ensuring that all port landings of its HSP1 vessels are monitored and accounted for to make certain that reliable catch data by species are collected for processing and analysis, and how CCM responds to potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement. No No